About the Author

I’m a writer who for the better part of his life didn’t ‎realise his passion for large walls of text. My ‎handwriting would make others question the sudden ‎turn to writing that without the development of ‎computers would be dead in the water. I turned to ‎writing after becoming a father, wanting to create a ‎world that my daughter can love to enjoy as she grows ‎up. After years of crazy ideas swirling in my mind, I ‎thought it time to get them on paper for others to ‎enjoy.‎


I’ll be honest I’m not someone who reads often. Though this might be due to a dire lack of time. What time I did have to enjoy a book would’ve been reading any fantasy book I could get my hands on. Usually it would wind up being one of the many works written by the late Terry Pratchett. Oh, and Mort is my favourite if you’re wondering.


While the few fantasy tomes I read were a wayh I chose to escape, games were another. I’ve enjoyed them since I was little as an alternate art form. A way of telling a story different to any other.


The combination of sarcastic english writing and escaping to fantasial worlds is what probably led to my odd style of writing. Choosing to interact with the reader as the story develops, almost as if they’re being read to by the person who wrote it. If this mad journey of writing progresses far enough, you all might see just who is telling the stories.


Zack Gerrard

A man who lives in his head far too often and should probably step outside every now and then.