A warm welcome to Writer Extraordinaire, or at least this small edge of the internet that houses the mad ideas of him. Here you will find information on the author behind the beautifully written and hilariously funny book, The Righteous Thieves. Well, the author thinks so anyways.
Yes, you can find information on the book. A review written by someone else that’s read it, and even some short stories written by the author for you to enjoy.
An Idea sparked by some pandemic that happened and the many comments of people on reddit that somehow spawned a full book. This full book then continued to grow into a world that will be explored over many novels to come.
So why do I think I’m the Writer Extraordinaire?
Well. Point one, I love making people type out annoyingly complicated words. Point two, I’ve yet to run into something I couldn’t write. As mentioned I started this bizarre journey writing on Reddit. Filling in writing prompts of all kinds of genres. The constant stream of good feedback somehow, in one way or another led to the nickname I’d coined.
Do others agree?
The people I’ve met do. But those yet to read my work and even you dear reader, must make that decision on your own.
© Zack Gerrard. All Rights Reserved.